Parenting Spiritually
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, & you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Jane Goodall

‘Parenting is opting to be in the life of a child to reinforce the child’s development, to help it deal with the grind of daily living, to act as an adjunct to its own powers and to help steer it towards a ‘higher’ journey, without unnecessarily meddling in its affairs’. – Credit Sphinx Spiritual
Parenting Coaching
Parenting Coaching is beneficial as the paradox of parenting is that it is accepted how important it is, but so little attention is paid to it and so little taught about it. With a belief that parenting should be to the benefit of the child rather than to the benefit of the parent, parenting coaching can assist you to ensure this happens. Too many parents want convenience, unfortunately this comes at a cost to the child. We need to break the patterns of how we were parented and lead with a choice model to parent in a way that will ensure we have a bright future for coming generations.
Parenting Coaching is available from pre-conception (to ensure that you and your partner are on the same page in regards to your parenting ideas) to well into your child’s adulthood. Each session is $100 (first session is $150 and includes the Parenting Spiritually book by Ian & Pearl Rogers).
Parenting Spiritually Course
The Parenting Spiritually Course is a comprehensive approach to parenting that helps parents from pre conception to well into your child’s adulthood. It involves parenting children in a new way, not based upon the way you may have been parented, but based upon what your child needs at different points in time.
It deals with specific issues parents are facing with their children.
The course fills the void of information and support available to pre-parents and parents at all stages of the parenting cycle, providing parents with an ongoing system of support and knowledge.
It is just as applicable to a grandparent as it is to a parent or prospective parent.
Cost: $200 per day (x 4 days) + book ($37 + gst)
2023 course details to come.
Podcast: I am interviewed by Psychologist Claudia de Llano on parenting at www.theawakenedjourney.com Episode 6